Historical Archives of Atlanta
Preserving Corporate Legacies for over 20 years.
Why use a Historical Archivist?
To ensure physical and intellectual control and preservation of records that have enduring value.
In order to analyze, classify, describe, and organize any given materials in a collection.
To ensure the history of cultural heritage is not forgotten, or to maintain institutional history.
"History is a race between education and catastrophe."
- H.G. Wells
Archives may be large or small, ranging in size from a small unit in a house museum to the massive collections of the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Broadly speaking, archives fall into two categories: those which preserve the permanently valuable records of their own institution, and those which collect the historically valuable documents of others outside of their institution. Some archives perform both functions. Although the size, quality, and sophistication of these archives may vary, they share the common goal of preserving the collective or institutional memory of the society or the organization of which they are a part. As caretakers and providers of access to this memory, archivists play a crucial role in the historical process.
How our Process Works

We first identify and prepare collections for use by researchers and create the tools that help those researchers find information within them.

Then we arrange collections by determining the best order for documents/materials within a collection, and appraise materials by assessing the historical significance within the collections.

Often, we engage in related outreach activities to make the public and researchers aware of the collections.

Finally we prepare and compile a full report of findings that describe the contents of the collection in detail.