Just How ‘Average’ Are You Exactly?
Although they are clearly becoming less ‘fashionable,’ the onset of a New Year often also brings a new set of resolutions or business goals for most organizations.
Usually these are some combination of numbers (Sales Quotas, Operating Budgets, Capital Spends etc.) and words and descriptive narratives (Goal or Strategy Statements) around what kinds of activities and outcomes are on the horizon for the new fiscal year or planning period.
Nothing new so far, right?
The lack of any dramatic news or innovative pronouncements in the first three paragraphs above is exactly the reason for this January 2024 Edition of Efficiency and Effectiveness For CEO’s and Owners.
So far, this is just an average read offered about an average subject. And if you already noticed that, then we are on the right track!
Many of us approach the new planning season as (a.) something we have always done every year, (b) part of our culture, (c) a Board requirement, (d) our roadmap for the Team and all parts of our organization or, (e) ALL of the above.
So, a few tough questions (HONESTY ALERT!): When was the last time this process was Exciting? Innovative? Or contrarian in nature? Inclusive of [outside] opinions and perspectives? NOT the way we’ve always done it before? Or beyond any of our ‘normal norms’?
The reality is that no one will fault C-Suite Executives, Owners or Boards if they can in fact show that they have a process of annual renewal, that they followed that process and that they have specific outcomes (goals / plans / resolutions) to show for it.
Actually that is exactly the wrong way to evaluate where your organization is right now and where you want it to be in 2024.
In our choices (deliberate or unconscious) to just do what we have always done, with the [same] people and the [same] processes and the [same] formats and the [same] amount of energy allocated to our annual planning or budgeting exercises, we run the very high risk that our [sameness] while comfortable and perhaps even ‘acceptable’ is likely also not producing anything beyond just average results.
‘Average,’ by the way, can be a very comfortable place to be. It is, after all, mathematically defined as “…a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual…”. Examples include:
“ Our average Customer is more informed than they were 5 years ago…”
“ The quality of our WEB experience is well above average.”
” We expect an average growth of 3.6% per year which exceeds our previous 5 year average.”
“ The quality of our Candidates in 2023 was well above average.
But wait, you say; “…I would never aspire to be just average; no self-respecting CEO or Owner ever does that…” And on that, we agree.
While no Leader likely chooses to be average or mediocre, is it possible that we fall into that category by the ‘sameness’ of our annual planning, goal setting or strategic processes and, thus, our expectations?
The process of moving beyond the norms, beyond the usual, beyond the way that we have always done things for our Executive Teams and our Organizations starts with us as individuals.
Simple questions: When was the last time you hung around with or engaged someone who was truly different than you? Exceptional or unique? Completely your opposite? Someone from an industry that you know nothing about? A business or non-profit Executive not on your usual radar?
Why is this even a factor?
Why would you waste the time?
Why would this lead to anything productive?
Why is this even a factor?
Why would you waste the time?
Why would this lead to anything productive?
(maybe reread that one: In a simple and direct sentence, Jim nailed a key concept for us to consider!
DECIDE that this year will be different.
ENGAGE your Executive Team in a discussion about specific ways to break out of your norms.
DEVELOP at least (2) two new contacts outside of your current professional sphere of influence.
MEET with or introduce yourself to them.
ENCOURAGE your direct reports to do the same.
ASK a trusted outsider to become involved in the evaluation of your 2024 plans, strategies or new initiatives.
We welcome your feedback and your questions on any topic that is important to you.
If you would like to learn more about how to get an outside (and confidential) view on today’s topic, please reach out to Allan directly at ad@newcenturypartners.com or to 678.595.2587. Information is always free and confidential.
And as always, we wish you continued success!